
This application brief outlines the seamless process of sorting droplets containing single cells from those with multiple cells into separate containers, covering encapsulation, sorting, and quality control.
The isolation of individual cells is becoming increasingly important in biotechnology.

A key area is the development of monoclonal cell lines and single-cell analysis, particularly with regard to modern cancer therapies. Droplet microfluidics has established itself as a high-throughput method to replace conventional micro-well approaches in many areas.

  • Keywords:
  • Single cell sequencing, monoclonal culturing, single cell assays, immunoassays, suspended cell analysis
  • Replaced technologies:
  • Well-plate-based assays

However, a major problem is the statistical encapsulation and the associated uncertainty as to whether there is exactly one cell in a droplet. ODIN enables the simple enrichment of droplets with exactly one cell and also allows further analyses to be carried out directly

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