Meet us at BioCHIP Berlin

Meet us at BioCHIP Berlin We are looking forward to show new developments of our sensor technology for microfluidics at the BioCHIP conference in Berlin. At our booth we will not only show our systems but also be available to discuss your experiments and possible...

Triff uns auf der BioCHIP Berlin

Triff uns auf der BioCHIP Berlin Wir freuen uns darauf neue Entwicklungen unserer Sensortechnologie für Mikrofluidik auf der BioCHIP Konferenz in Berlin zu zeigen und mit Ihnen zu diskutieren. An unserem Ausstellungsstand zeigen wir nicht nur unsere Systeme sondern...

Meet us in San Francisco

Meet us in San Francisco We will be at Photonics West 2022 in San Francisco from January 25-27. We are very excited to be back at a conference after a nearly two-year pandemic break, meeting scientists and engineers from around the world face-to-face. Visit us at...